Umpire Fees and Reimbursement


Game Fees

Age Category





































Minimum # of Umpires Required



League Play













Mileage and Other Reimbursements for Umpires

  • Games commencing prior to 6 pm on non-holiday weekdays will incur a $15/umpire premium.
  • Eligible Mileage - Umpires are eligible for reimbursement as follows:
    • No mileage may be charged when one-way travel from home to game site is 30 km or less.
    • A flat fee of $30 may be charged when one-way travel is 31 - 60 km from home to game site no matter what the actual distance is within that range.
    • If travel from home to game site exceeds 60 km, mileage may be charged at a rate of $0.50/km for the entire round trip (home - game site - home).
    • Umpires may, by individual choice, accept less than the eligible amounts for mileage but in no way does that set a precedent for any other umpire with respect to mileage charges.
    • When possible, umpires are expected to carpool when travelling from the same or similar starting location.
  • Umpires will be eligible for appropriate mileage and 50% of a single game fee when any game/weekend is completely rained out and no prior notification of cancellation has been made to the umpire assigner and the umpires have dutifully arrived at the field. The host is responsible for such payment. Umpires are not eligible for compensation if notified of rain out before leaving home.
  • Umpires will be eligible for a full game fee in the event of rescheduling/cancellation of games (not due to weather) if notification of such change is not provided by 4 pm at least 2 calendar days prior to the day of the originally scheduled game. The host team will be responsible for such payment.
  • Teams responsible for scheduling/rescheduling games must provide game date/time/place to Baseball Alberta by 4pm at least 4 working days prior to the game.
  • Umpires working a game that has started but is subsequently suspended, cancelled or forfeited prior to completion will be paid the full game fee. Umpires completing a suspended game will be paid 50% of the normal game fee. Additional fees to complete a suspended game are NOT APPLICABLE at the Baseball Alberta Provincial Championships.
  • If, for any reason an umpire is required to work a game alone, such umpire shall be paid 1.5 times the normal game fee. In such cases the umpire may recruit an uncertified volunteer to work bases only. Such volunteer shall be eligible for an honorarium of $10/game

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